Natural Treatments for Hypothyroidism

Finding natural treatments for Hypothyroidism isn’t hard but finding one that will work for you might take you a while longer and that’s purely because of the massive volume of information available on the subject. As everyone is different and has different levels of health then it should be no surprise that one treatment protocol might work for one person but not for another. With that in mind, the articles on this site should help you reach a more informed choice and find a treatment that has the best chance of working for you.

Hypothyroidism is a nasty condition which can cause a great deal of symptoms and of which I’m sure you are well aware hence reading this page. When we get diagnosed with the condition usually we are put on a treatment protocol of the synthetic Thyroid hormone Thyroxine.

Thyroxine works great for some people and soon symptoms begin to alleviate but for others it’s not so good. Many people don’t tolerate Thyroxine very well and it can cause a host of unwanted side effects and when you have Hypothyroidism you don’t need any side effects!

So, what can you do? Well many people seek out alternative treatments and usually this delivers great results. Some people take desiccated Thyroid products and get really good results because it naturally contains all the Thyroid hormones and not just T4 as Thyroxine does.

Unfortunately desiccated Thyroid products may start to get difficult to get hold of so if you’re unable to tolerate synthetic Thyroxine what can you do? Well many people are starting to turn to different treatment approaches such as Naturopathic healing which aims to heal the root cause of your condition so instead of just replacing the Thyroid hormones with a synthetic hormone, the naturopathic treatment would be to actually heal the Thyroid gland or whatever is causing the gland to under produce the correct amount of Thyroid hormones.

Natural remedies

There are many natural remedies for Hypothyroidism available and it can be difficult to determine which things you should or shouldn’t take. So on this page you’ll find some common alternative remedies for Hypothyroidism and please remember to always discuss any alternative treatments you intend to take with you doctor or health care provider beforehand.


Spirulina is an algae and it is considered a super food which contains all the essential amino acids in perfect balance. Taking Spirulina can also correct many other conditions.

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex is recommended by many health care providers because it aids in digestion, immune function and also proper functioning of the Thyroid gland.


Bladderwrack is a type of seaweed rich in Iodine which can help to stimulate the Thyroid gland and boost metabolism.

Irish moss

Irish moss is another form of seaweed rich in Iodine and contains many vitamins and minerals.


L-Tyrosine is an amino acid essential in the production of Thyroid hormones.


Selenium is a mineral which helps the body covert the T4 hormone in to the more active T3.

Ashwagandha (Withania sominifera)

Ashwagandha is a herb which can improve Thyroid hormone levels.

*Note*The above remedies for Hypothyroidism should not be taken before a consultation with your doctor or health care provider. An alternative health practitioner will be able to inform you of the correct dosages of the remedies.


Over the course of our lives we are exposed to many toxins and pollutants and this constant barrage on our body can take its toll. We need to remove these toxins that have the potential to affect our health and this can be done many different ways from taking herbal cleanses to fasting to colonics. If you’re not sure how to do Detoxing, check out Duncan Cappichiano’s eBook ‘The Hypothyroidism Solution’ which outlines a simple detox plan which is really simple to follow.

Unfortunately it’s impossible to stay Toxin free but there are things you can do to make sure you limit your exposure to them. For instance, for instance eat organic foods where possible but if you can’t always remember to wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly to remove harmful pesticide residues.

Most commercial toiletries contain toxins so it’s a good idea to find a safe alternative which you can find at your local health/nutrition store. Toothpastes which contain fluoride should be avoided as the fluoride can be directly toxic to the Thyroid gland and again you can find a lot of fluoride free toothpastes at your local health/nutrition store.

It’s always a good idea to check what your food contains as some additives and preservatives can be toxic. For more information on food additives and preservatives please visit